Wednesday, December 25, 2019

"He sees you when you're sleeping."

The bit with [ paper kite ]
beautiful for [ paper qSpace ] set:
a specific piece and its practical specification,
united in TheTrain of partnership "specificity".
[ 2019Christmas.mp3 ]

[ BoxManSolo.mp3 ]

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


[ LFBC.mp3 ]
[ MysticInStarlight.mp3 ]
[[ [ Atlas Shrugged [ "Ken... God... ", she moaned. ] ] [ Abused by the New York Yankees ]
[ Clowns of the Hopi ]

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019


do not listen without surrender to Allah,
I am serious - BoxMan.

[ !UnicornRoseContainer! ] [ "bless ThePour" ] [ WinterSong BlueGuitar "I'm crying" ] [ holding the mirror up to nature ]

[ Luke 8:4 tom banjo suzanah legion tuberculosis ] [ the interrogation ] [ YoullBeBlueSong page 102 ] [ BlueGuitar RockingChair ]
[ war on the periphery page 102 ] [ this is the shape of the leaf TrackOne ] [ i have seen the robins fall ]
[ on a squirrel crossing the road in autumn in new england ] [ "venture deeper into our nature" ] 
[ BlueGuitar 74 "a little salt on the rose with a side of unicorn" ]

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

2019Halloween RoseUnicorn

[ RoseUnicorn.mp3 ] local
[ famous horse ] [ DonkeySong ] [ faRiSeeCringe ]
"... conceptualize what eventually became the two purple lines with the cbc and the use of a clipboard,
it's a technological thing, and all along I was stressing about this technology ..."
[ 2019Halloween.mp3 ] global terminal
[ . ]